Q&A Session – John Carroll: New Year Safety Checklist

John Carroll – LCE Safety Consultant & Trainer answers your work related health and safety queries as part of our monthly Q&A session.

“I want to start the new year of right from a Health & Safety perspective. What should I consider looking at?”

John Carroll:

Here is a list of important things that should be completed to start the New Year off on the right foot :

  • A Safety Statement review, making sure it is up-to-date.
  • Risk assessments review, again ensuring it is up-to-date.
  • Ensure all VDU stations are assessed and correctly set up for users. 
  • Check all first aid kits to ensure they are fully stocked, and all contents are in date.
  • All relevant training should be planned to ensure certs do not expire; manual handling, first aid etc.
  • All fire extinguishers need to be checked to ensure they are in place, have been serviced within the last year and are in good working condition (pins in place, adequate pressure). Set a date for yearly inspection.
  • A review of emergency/fire procedures. Ensure all emergency exit routes are clear, emergency exit doors are unlocked and clear, and all staff are aware of where to go and what to do in the event of an emergency.
  • Plan all maintenance and servicing for equipment to ensure it is fully operational i.e. smoke detectors, alarm system, emergency lights etc.
  • Make sure PPE is available for all staff members, that it is in perfect working condition and that there is an adequate back up supply.

LCE can provide you with the assistance needed to complete this list and can also help you with any other health and safety needs. A full list of the services LCE provides can be found on www.LCE.ie.

Also, if you have any queries or are unsure of where to start please feel free to give us a call on the following numbers :

Waterford HQ – 051 364 344

Cork – 021 203 8002

Dublin – 01 223 3532