Case Studies

Joe worked as a manager in a financial institution – at the end of his working day he had pains in his shoulders, neck and lower back, so much so, that he could no longer part take in the sports that he loved.
On the advice of his physiotherapist, Joe requested a VDU assessment of his workstation -after a 30 min consultation with LCE.
Joe had his workstation adjusted and was given the tools to ensure he could set up his own workstation correctly in the future.
At a follow up consultation, Joe confirmed that his workstation was much more comfortable and that the evenings of doing nothing because of pain and discomfort were a thing of the past.
Joe – Manager in Financial Institution
Mark contacted LCE as he had an on-going pain in his right shoulder that generally worsened when he was working on his computer.
During an assessment of his workstation, it became apparent that because of the position of his monitor Mark worked with a very significant right hand side bias
By adjusting his monitor, and the height of his chair, Mark was able to work in a more relaxed natural posture. The immediate pain Mark experienced when he sat at his computer was alleviated.
Mark – Senior Manager in Service Industry