Driver Ergonomic Assessments help identify ergonomics related risks associated with driving. Strain on the neck, shoulders and back can result from poor driver seat set up. A Driver Ergonomic Risk Assessment can reduce the likelihood of developing these symptoms.
A competent assessor carries out the assessment at each individual’s car – reviewing their seat set up and their driving posture.
LCE competent assessors provide practical advice and guidance to each individual as part of the assessment process.
What does the assessment cover?
- The aim of the assessment is to identify key risk factors, based on the principles of ergonomics.
- The assessment takes place with the driver in the vehicle and involves interview, observation and measurement of critical parameters.
- The vehicles, drivers and tasks undertaken are assessed, a written report is then prepared that identifies any problems and advises what changes may need to be made.
Why should I have a vehicle ergonomic assessment?
According to research, over 40 % experience shoulder pain, neck discomfort and/or low back pain who drive for business – with one third experiencing moderate or severe low-back discomfort in a typical week.
Low-back related sickness absence is 6 times greater for those who drive >4 hours a day.